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10 Effective Tips to Boost Your Productivity

Aug 27, 2019

Managing time as well as increasing productivity can be tiresome and challenging. Time and Productivity are interrelated and interdependent factors. A change in one factor leads to the change in another factor. Changes in planning, managing, and utilization of time brings about change in Productivity. Likewise, Productivity can also influence the amount of actual time required and the time spent on it.

With the growing complexities of work, challenging tasks, cut-throat competition, it has been the necessity of the hour to plan time accordingly with the output. These few pointers will help you plan and manage time to maximize productivity.


1. Wake-Up Early:

That’s the first thing to do. Waking-Up early gives you extra time to plan and organize your day – the essential prerequisite to maximize productivity. It’s better to plan in advance, rather than taking things that come your way.


2. Scheduling your To dos:

It’s important to plan your to-dos and goals. By doing so, you know what you are going to accomplish throughout the day. After listing out all your to-dos it’s important for you to prioritize your tasks.


3. Apps for Better productivity:

Scheduling your tasks with reminders and notifications can keep you on track and lets you accomplish your goals. You can find many apps like Google Calendar, Task, AnyDo, Todist etc. that will keep you notified of your tasks and goals.


 4. Stop being a Perfectionist:

Trying to be a perfectionist even before executing something, you waste most of your time. Rather than wasting your time thinking about how to attain perfection, Just start doing. You’ll learn from your failures. Nobody was born perfect. Their Failures taught them. And similarly, you will.


5. Ask for help/Delegate your task:

There is nothing wrong in asking for help. Asking for help, or delegating your task to someone who is capable enough to do, doesn’t make you weak. It shows that you’re a good organizer.


6. Quit Multitasking:

Multi-Tasking might seem like a time-saving skill. But, when few things are done together, they can’t be done with accuracy and required skill. So later, you spend extra time to rectify things that weren’t done accurately. Focus on one thing at one time.


7. Organizing your work space:

Organizing your work space in advance keeps you focused and it saves most of your time. Cleanup all the unnecessary stuff on your table, desktop. Be as minimalistic as possible. Arrange for all the supplies and stationery like pens, pencils, papers,  sticky notes and all the essentials, so that you don’t get distracted in the middle to get them and therefore you’ll stay focused.


8.Minimizing distractions:

Notifications, notifications, notifications everywhere, Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, and WhatNot ?- trigger alert. Consider putting your phone in Airplane mode when you are really serious about some task. Otherwise, Just disabling your internet settings are okay.


9. The (80 20 Rule):

Also known as the Pareto Principle, shows that 20 percent of your activities will account for 80 percent of your results. Finally, here’s the good news. You just have to identify the valuable tasks and focus on it. These limited valuable tasks will maximize your productivity



The reason why productivity doesn’t increase is disregarding the importance of evaluation. Evaluation helps you overcome the hurdles and pushes you to be more efficient. Try to find what is working and what’s not. Evaluate your strategy because, if Plan ‘A’ doesn’t work you can always have a Plan ‘B’.


These tips will surely help you provided that you’re consistent in your approach. Looking for inspiration, transformation or maybe some new ideas to implement. Do visit our site – – Learn. Execute. Succeed. Share. Everybody deserves to learn.


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